G.A.P.S (Gerrish Alternative Policing Strategies)

What are GAPS??

What do GAPS Officers do?

In an effort to continue to improve the delivery of Police services to our citizens and in the form of the true Community Policing philosophy, Gerrish Township was divided into three areas. Each of the areas is of a different size, but the population in each is very close.

The reason for this division was to give our Officers an area that each was responsible for. Over the years and with the retention of Officers, we have changed our philosophy so that any Officer can assist in solving nonemergency problems in each GAP area. The GAPs are also a great way in our records management system to track complaints and calls for service to each of the three areas.

All Officers can assist our citizens in starting up Neighborhood Watch Groups. They are available to assist our citizens in a variety of quality of life issues such as;

  • Junk and Garbage Ordinance Violations
  • Junk Vehicle Complaints
  • Persistent Barking Dogs
  • Specific Neighbor or Neighborhood Problems
  • Suspicious persons or Situations

They will also assist in any other area where the citizen may be experiencing difficulty and would like some help in either problem solving or just to be pointed in the right direction. It is important to remember that the problem does not have to be of a criminal nature for one of our Officers to lend a hand.

It is easy, just call us at 989-821-5207 or stop by during the day during Administrative hours from 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. If you call and we do not answer, please leave a message and we will return your call as soon as possible.


G.A.P.S. MapG.A.P.S. Newsletter | Neighborhood Watches

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