Emergency Vehicle Caution Law

Michigan’s Emergency Vehicle Caution Law

(Sec. 257.653)

On roads with two or more lanes of travel in the same direction:

  • The operator of a vehicle traveling on a highway designed with two or more lanes of travel in the same direction shall, upon approaching a stationary emergency vehicle with it’s emergency lights activated, carefully move into an open lane at least one lane away from the emergency vehicle.
  • If it is not possible due to traffic, weather or road conditions, the operator shall slow down and pass with caution, allowing the emergency vehicle as much space as possible.

On roads with one lane of travel for each direction:

  • The operator of a vehicle traveling on a roadway which only has one lane of travel for each direction shall, upon approaching a stationary emergency vehicle with its emergency lights activated, carefully move over into the open adjacent lane if possible.
  • If it is not possible due to traffic, weather, or road conditions, the operator shall slow down and pass with caution, allowing the emergency vehicle as much space as possible.

The Penalty is:

A person found responsible for violating this law is guilty of a misdemeanor and is subject to enhanced penalties of up to 15 years in prison and/or a $7500.00 fine if the violation causes injury or death to a police officer, firefighter, or other emergency response personnel.

Click here for a copy of the Michigan Office of Highway Safety Planning “Save a Life – Give a Lane” Emergency Vehicle Caution Law brochure: http://www.michigan.gov/msp/-/media/Project/Websites/msp/ohsp/1_February-2023/9140-Move-Over-brochure.pdf?rev=1c6b95c49c664b5ea1df80ea11e3bae1&hash=41582F047AB58AE4DFFA444E08BE4E10

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