On February 16, 2023, Chief Brian Hill and Roscommon Area Public Schools Superintendent Cathy Erickson signed a School Resource Officer Agreement between RAPS and Gerrish Township.
This is a 3-year agreement in which the School District will pay 75% of the Officer’s wages and benefits. A State grant will provide 50% of the position funding for the three years and the School District and Gerrish Township Police Department will split the remaining 50% of the committed funding.
Officer John Wybraniec will be filling this position and brings 22 years of law enforcement experience in a variety of roles. He will have an office in the Roscommon High School but will be available to serve all three schools within the campus. Officer Wybraniec will work throughout the school year at the campus and will resume his regular patrol officer position during the summer months.
Chief Hill is pleased to enter into this partnership with our School District and is confident that Officer Wybraniec will do a great job in fulfilling the essential duties and responsibilities required for the SRO position. The safety, security and welfare of all the students, faculty and staff is of utmost importance to our community.
Click for a complete copy of the Gerrish Township Police School Resource Officer Job Description: https://www.gerrishpolice.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/SRO-Job-Description-Policy-1.3.10.pdf